Sustainable Peace & Security in a Changing Climate: Recommendations for NATO 2030

This report was prepared in response to civil society organisations' opportunity to contribute input in the NATO 2030 process - a forward-looking reflection to strengthen NATO's political dimension. The report was prepared by the North-Atlantic Civil-Society Working-Group on Environment and Security (NCWES) – an initiative of the Brussels Dialogue on Climate Diplomacy (BDCD), in which GMACCC is a participating organisation.

This report is not a blueprint of what should be done; it is a collection of 116 policy options and practical recommendations to be considered in the NATO 2030 process that we believe can help strengthen the organisation in a time of new environmental-related challenges in the interest of promoting sustainable peace and security for all.

>>> Download the report from the BDCD publication page <<<

Author(s):Ronald A. Kingham and Oliiva Lazard (Editors)
Publisher(s):Environment & Development Resource Centre
Place Published:Brussels, Belgium / The Hague, The Netherlands
Date / Journal Vol. No.:30 April 2021