GMACCC Members speak at Workshop on “Climate and Security Action: The Role of Civil-Military Cooperation”

Eight members of GMACCC were among the ca. 25 speakers at the NATO Science for Peace Programme Advanced Research Workshop on “Climate and Security Action: The Role of Civil-Military Cooperation” in Sofia, Bulgaria, 16-18 July.

The 3-day event was connected with Project CASA on Climate and Security Action through Civil-Military Cooperation in Climate-Related Emergencies in which GMACCC is one of the five lead partners. It was organised by the Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE) and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP).

The purpose of the workshop was to meet the need for relevant and timely advice from defence and security experts, foster the next generation of experts and contribute to officials’ and public understanding of defence and security issues including the climate and security nexus.

GMACCC participants included, Richard Brewin, Tom Deligiannis, Ronald A. Kingham, Ashley McIlvain Moran, Neil Morisetti, Alexander Verbeek, Jessica Olcott Yllemo and Reiner Zimmermann.

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